Our Promotions is divided into various groups, each group contains AEON promotions which are very interesting and help you to meet any valuable benefits AEON has prepared for you. Select the topic of promotion below and view all our promotion as you desired.
Period : 12 November 2024 – 10 March 2025
Eligible Card : AEON Primo Digital Credit Card
Remark : All accumulated spendings paid by eligible credit card, excluding payments for the following goods/services merchant categories: Investment unit/mutual funds, Unit Linked Insurance, Foreign currency exchange, Utility payments by all channels, including electricity, water, landline phone, taxes, and other fees payable to government authorities, Fuel/Service stations, Top ups to digital wallets, Vouchers and/or gift cards, Transactions related to digital assets, Cash advance, Interest, credit usage fee, penalties, fees, and taxes, and Cancelled and refunded transection.